How to Trust Your Gut

Learn to Trust Your Gut
Do you trust your gut? Does your gut trust you?

How well do you trust your gut? Most people really *want* to be able to trust their gut. They want to know that their thinking is clear, that they make choices that serve their best interests, that their connections with others are satisfying, and more.

And yet …

How do you know if your gut is delivering reliable information? Do you really need that pizza and fries, or would a robust salad topped with grilled veggies and maybe a little fish serve you better? Does your best friend hate you all of a sudden, or are you feeling bad about something else and misinterpreting the situation?

We trust our gut to deliver all kinds of guidance. But does our gut trust us? There’s a two way information flow between our gut and our brain. There are a few other stops on the route, too, like our heart.

Is a healthy, well-balanced gut likely to offer more reliable information via hormone and neurotransmitter signaling than a chaotic jumbled mess of unfriendly bacteria and other debris? Scientifically, the answer is yes.

Reconnect and trust your gut with the Perfect Balance Wellness Project

We have two options to help you reconnect and trust your gut. First is the Perfect Balance Wellness Project. If you feel generally well and are ready to shore up your functional health foundations, then this one-year program in microbiome and mineral balance could be a perfect fit.

Sure, you’ll have some tweaks in mind. Maybe you’d like to get your diet in order, lose a few pounds, or enhance your energy level. Gain accountability and support for the healthy lifestyle you want to lead … get to bed on time, eat more veggies, exercise a bit, involve yourself in family or community activities … but somehow it slips out of priority.

This is an accessible and affordable program that’s pretty easy to manage, while still having time for your life! After all, that’s the point, isn’t it? It’s great for ongoing maintenance, too. Just visit the Perfect Balance Wellness Project page for more details.

trust your gut, microbiome balance, mineral balance, functional nutrition
Learn how you can optimize your health with microbiome and mineral balance!

Functional Nutrition Consultation

functional nutrition consultation, trust your gut

Feel the path beneath your feet…

Or if you want to get your groove back from a more entrenched imbalance, then consider Functional Nutrition Consultation. It’s a deeper dive.

As a functional nutrition practitioner, I guide healing journeys based on the objective results of functional lab testing. It’s reassuring to see how a nutrient imbalance, gut bug, or hijacked hormone pattern may be impacting your low energy levels, sleepless nights, bloated tummy, or cranky mood. They’re also impacting your creativity, your social relationships, and your earning potential.

Yet objective test results have their limits. The real “secret sauce” to this healing journey is inside of you. It’s in your mindset and consistent self-care. In how you leverage your attention and energy to put yourself in the right place at the right time. It’s in learning to quiet your stress response and bring healing hormones like oxytocin into play. To teally trust your gut.

It’s time to gently invite relaxation and creativity back into your life.

A healing journey involves both parts. Practical choices like what to have for lunch or which supplements your body needs right now are absolutely valuable. So is your daily investment of energy. To learn more, just buzz on over to the Functional Nutrition Consultation page.

Nutritional Factors and Body Pain

Headaches Systemic Inflammation GI Health

Do you get headaches after a long workday?

As a long-term structural bodyworker, I’ve supported lots of people in decreasing body pain with a hands-on approach. Nutritional factors are also frequently involved. Something that may seem trivial, like mineral balance, affects a muscle’s ability to relax. Other factors, like inflammation, gut microbial balance, and mindset also play a role. These factors can undermine even the most skillful hands-on treatment program, leaving you and your therapist frustrated.

Functional nutrition assessment and remediation can be invaluable when it comes to increasing body comfort. We are able to work with both local and distance clients for Functional Nutrition Consultation.

Chill Dog TTouch

What could be possible for your dog… If he were a little less stressed?

Help your dog chill out

Balance counts for your dog, too. For those in our local area (Minot, ND), we offer Tellington TTouch for companion animals. TTouch is a method of working with animals that fosters confidence, adaptability, and resilience.

Physical balance and emotional balance go together for your dog, as well as for you. With a calmer attitude, he or she becomes more receptive to learning and is able to make better choices.

To learn more, check out the Chill Dog TTouch page.

trust your gut, microbiome balance, mineral balance, functional nutrition

Perfect Balance Wellness Project