Revive My Tummy!

Revive My Tummy!

Perhaps you have known tummy troubles. Bloating, irregularity, foods that don’t always agree with you.

Maybe your body isn’t getting all the nutrition it could be out of the foods you eat. You eat a seemingly healthy diet, let’s say, but it’s not doing the job for you. You’re tired. Depleted. Upon investigation, your nutrient levels are surprisingly low.

Intestinal Villi and Nutrient Absorption

Compromised tissue quality can lead to inefficient nutrient absorption and translocation of pathogens into circulation.

There could be something off “under the hood.” When the quality of your gut tissue is compromised, there can be any number of consequences you won’t enjoy.

  • When the villi (the structures that bring nutrients into circulation) have lost their edge, they aren’t capable of transporting even the best quality nutrients into your body for use.
  • When the integrity of your gut membrane is compromised, it becomes too permeable. Larger food particles are able to squeeze through into circulation, leading to sometimes-mysterious chronic inflammation or food sensitivities.
  • Pathogens like bacterial waste are also able to translocate from the inner digestive tract and out into circulation, where they are transported around the body. This can result in fatigue, foggy-headedness, muscle and joint pain, and a heavy burden on your liver.

You won’t know where it’s coming from. You’ll just know something is wrong.

Let’s Revive Your Tummy!

This program is an add-on to your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis program. It may be right for you if:

  • You are really ready to feel better, have more energy, and tune up your digestion!
  • You are currently following a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis program, or are about to begin one.
  • You’d like a general, yet thorough, approach to gut work that addresses pathogen / bacterial / yeast imbalances AND tissue healing.
  • You would like the option to include or exclude food sensitivity testing.
  • You MAY wish to pursue a deeper level of health detective work in the future, but aren’t there right now. (For more involved cases, please consider the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Health Coaching program instead.)
  • You understand that creating health is a journey. While a general, yet thorough, tummy revive program is an excellent foundation step, there may be future steps between where you are today and your final destination.
  • You feel confident about following a health program on your own with a modest amount of support.
  • You’re ready for the next step of your health-creation journey!

Register for Revive My Tummy!

The Revive My Tummy program spans about four months. After you register, you’ll receive a customized protocol to follow, and a consultation in which to review the recommendations.

You have the option of including food sensitivity testing or not. The advantage of including it is that you’ll be able to focus on eating those foods that are currently interpreted by your system as “safe,” which is to say not triggering an inflammatory reaction. This removes stress from your system, giving irritated tissue a better opportunity to heal. If you’re planning to run the food sensitivity test, you’ll want to do it right away so we can talk about the results during your initial program consultation. You are responsible for the lab testing fee and the cost of your blood draw. The consultation / coaching fee remains the same.

We’ll also schedule two half-hour check-in calls, one around the halfway point of your program and the other toward the end. In addition, you’ll receive email support for any questions you may have related to the program. Additional coaching is available if you’d like to add it.

Revive My Tummy!
$105 now, plus 3 monthly payments of $65 each,
for a total of $300.

Additional support

You may wish to schedule an additional support call to discuss your progress and address questions.

Half hour support call (optional) $49


Important reminder: Our goal is to enhance functional health. Our goal is to uncover systemic healing opportunities and not to identify or treat disease. You are advised to see your medical doctor for any disease-related concerns.