Good news! I am open for business and accepting new neuromuscular therapy clients. I take neuromuscular therapy appointments primarily on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays between 10 am and 6 pm.
The best way to reach me to inquire about an appointment is to email wellnessimages@gmail.com. Thanks!
Neuromuscular Therapy in a Nutshell!
The bodywork aspect of my practice is Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, in which I have been certified and practicing since 1994.
Neuromuscular therapy is a “functional” approach to bodywork. We don’t just treat the spot that is affected (although we usually do that as part of the process). Mainly though, we try to figure out and address why it is affected.

In a First-Time Client
We do this from a framework of body structure and mechanics. After assessing the presenting posture, we consider which muscles would assist in creating the structural imbalances that are observed. We connect that with the presenting symptoms. And then we address the imbalances with a goal of normalizing body structure, which typically also decreases the symptoms.
This is an overly simplified description. We consider connective tissue, joint range of motion, and so on as well.
The point being this is not a spa-type of environment and I am not delivering a spa-type massage. Rather, it’s a more clinical / therapeutic style.
For many people, that’s exactly what they are looking for. If your goal is to address issues like back pain, neck pain, headaches, decreased mobility in a joint, slouching posture, and situations like that, then this may be a good fit for you. I’d love to hear from you (wellnessimages@gmail.com) so we can touch base and see if it seems right to set something up.
It’s possible to come in for bodywork only. Many people do that. It’s fine.
Functional Nutrition
I will say, though, that since 2013 I have also been practicing functional nutrition. One of the main reasons I began studying the impact of nutrients and lifestyle on our health is that I realized a lot of people were coming in to see me for help with musculoskeletal issues that are the end product of chronic systemic inflammation.
This has changed over the years. It was less an issue when I started out in practice 30 years ago. But I realized there was a significant missing link if we only looked through the lens of mechanics. And set out to do something about it.
Systemic inflammation contributes to many joint pain issues, soft tissue pain syndromes, headaches, and much more. Nutrition, chiefly via gut microbiome and nutrient mineral balance, is heavily involved in these situations. Neuromuscular therapy is not the indicated approach for a gut microbiome or nutrient imbalance. But no worries. We’ve got you covered. If interested, you can check that out here: Functional Health Consulting.
A few quick health-related policies:
- If you’re feeling “under the weather,” please do not come in today.
- This includes fevers, coughs, “the sniffles,” sore throat, and so on.
- It does not include sore back, neck, etc. — likely why you are here.
- It does not include other long-term symptoms (digestive issues, chronic headaches, long-term persistent fatigue, and so on) that may be part of your reason for coming.
- If you have an appointment here and become unwell at the last minute, the best thing to do is either text me or email wellnessimages@gmail.com to let me know and reschedule your appointment. There is no cancellation fee in this situation. We’ll just find you another time! I do appreciate as much notice as possible.
- If I am feeling unwell at the last minute, I will make every effort to reach you before your appointment time so that we can reschedule.

Appointment Info
- You have the option of scheduling a 60-minute or a 90-minute session, so you can select the option that works best for you. I generally plan to stop the appointment at either 60 or 90 minutes from your scheduled start time.
- It is really not possible to offer condition-specific work AND a full body massage within 60 minutes. We can do either, but not both.
- Most people are coming in primarily for condition-specific work, so that will normally be my approach unless you request otherwise. This does not mean working only on “the spot.” It also includes working with the postural pattern that puts stress on “the spot.” So a lot of the time, we’ll still access most of you within any given session. 😊
Payment / rescheduling
- I currently accept cash, check, MasterCard, and Visa as payment methods.
- There is also a prepay option at the bottom of this page.
- I will be re-evaluating pricing. It’s been a number of years. (My one hour session has been the same since December, 2014.) I’m hoping to wait until the “dust settles” so I don’t have to put us all through multiple changes if that can be avoided.
- If you need to reschedule an appointment, kindly text or email me (wellnessimages@gmail.com) no less than 24 hours in advance. I do sometimes have people waitlisted, and if you are unable to come in, I would like to accommodate someone else.
- If you should need to reschedule a prepaid-by-card appointment at the last minute, I will request that we apply the prepaid amount to the new session rather than refunding it. We can refund if necessary, less 5% for processing.
- If you fail to arrive for a scheduled appointment without letting me know in advance (excluding emergencies or miscommunications — honor system), I will expect you to be financially responsible for the appointment.
Circulation Device
- We have the BEMER circulation device available on the table during appointments for those who wish to use it. There is no additional charge for this added-value option. Enhanced circulation can make a monumental change in modulating the nervous system and addressing pain situations.
- This video briefly represents the effect of the device on the body.
- BEMER was developed in Europe as a home medical device. It is a privately-owned company. The patent holder is Peter Gleim. 2023 is its 25th anniversary year.
- You should not use the BEMER device if you have had an organ transplant and are also on immunosuppressive medications related to the organ transplant. (Immunosuppressive medication related to an autoimmune condition is not contraindicated.)
- If you have an implanted medication-dispensing device (example: insulin pump or pain medication delivery device), you should not use the BEMER.
- If you have a non-medication-dispensing implanted device (example: pacemaker, defibrillator), then we need to have a conversation before making arrangements to use the device.
- Joint replacements are not considered implanted devices for this purpose.
- You also have the option of scheduling separate BEMER sessions here at the office. I will teach you to operate it.
- As an Independent BEMER Distributor, I welcome inquiries from those who would like more information about how microcirculation supports general health, as well as some more specific applications that I’m excited to begin sharing. This device is optimally used twice daily at home. I’ll be glad to help you obtain one for your family!
Bodywork Session Pre-Payment Links
60 minute bodywork session / neuromuscular therapy $85

90 minute bodywork session / neuromuscular therapy $105

Functional Health Consulting
I am also accepting new local and distance-based clients for functional health consulting. This could be very helpful if you have discomfort that involves other body systems — an inflammatory, digestive, nutrient balance, hormonal, or circulatory situation — which is often the case. One can select functional health consulting either together with or separately from hands-on bodywork.
Please email wellnessimages@gmail.com so we can set up a time to discuss your needs. Thank you!

Peace of mind.