What does resilient health feel like?

How does resilient health feel? Can you get a sense of it in your body right now? Let’s think of some words … or “states” that might lead us there.
- Confidence
- Connectedness
- Energy
- Creativity
- Generosity
- Vitality
- Contribution
- Safety
- Love
If you can focus on the feelings that go with those words and others like them … and if you feel good when you do … then congratulations! You’ve just moved yourself forward along the spectrum of resilient health that’s available to each of us. You’ve done it right now! You’re on the way!
If you feel instead a sense of disappointment, sadness, or longing … then congratulations! You’ve just identified an area of life in which you deeply desire to make a difference. It’s the first step on this journey, and you’re really clear! Great start!
Building resilient health
Either place is ok. We are where we are. And from that place (which may shift for the better as soon as today), we nearly always have the capacity to edge ever closer to the state we ultimately desire. What does that feel like for you?
- Boldness
- Hopefulness
- Timelessness
- Belonging
- Purpose
- Clarity
- Focus
- Adaptability
- Determination

An Invitation
If you would like to become more resilient, then consider taking the next step. Learn a bit about how we can work together. Start where you are. Head toward that destination.
We use objective health testing to identify obstacles that may be suppressing your body’s natural ability to function at its best level. And then, one little step at a time, we decrease the influence of the challenges we find. Increasing your resilience. Your confidence. Connectedness. Increasing your peace of mind.
Take the next step. Learn more here: Functional Health Consultation

Peace of mind.